Family of Faith
stories of the Smith Family
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Throughout the ages America has been preserved as a land of promise.  Heavenly Father hid America from the rest of the world, and from time to time led groups of people to the promised land, such as the family of Jared, the family of Lehi, the people of Zarahemla, and in more recent times the pilgrims and other colonists.


Heavenly Father's sustaining hand preserved the colonies during the American Revolution resulting in the creation of a free nation.  Heavenly Father then caused the United States Constitution to be established which ensured various rights and freedoms, including the right to worship God according to the dictates of one’s own conscience.  Heavenly Father carefully prepared a land of liberty in these latter-days in which the fullness of the gospel could be restored.

Similarly, Heavenly Father carefully prepared the Smith family over a number of generations in order to create an environment in which Joseph Smith, Jr. could be nourished in preparation for his key role in the restoration, and supported in his efforts in doing so.

The Smith family was truly a family of strength, a family of vision, a family of faith.

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